In Search For a Heart

In Search Of a Heart

As the sun began to lay a rest; painting a silky golden hue across the horizon; she set the road ahead ablaze, reminding him of another day to come. The tin man stood there, tall with a burning passion inside as it roared in him with fire. He gazed at the road he had traveled, the past he would be leaving behind, as the warmth of the sun embraced his being, reminding him that tomorrow would be a sweeter day. 
In content, he watched as the sun slowly set; as he began to anticipate  another sunrise and another day, where the sun would once again warm his face, as she leads him where he could find the missing beat in life to make him whole again.

-Gela Ghaderi-

~A big thank you to all those who took part in making this project~

Thank you to Robert C. Tongue for his incredible talent and skill in Custom Costume making. He built this entire steampunk Tin Man suit all by him self single handed. Be sure to check out More work by Robert C. Tongue  on Facebook, as well as his work on Instagram

I'd also like to thank the very skilled and talented photographer, Barry Freeman who captured the essence and every detail of this beautiful build as well as captured shots and angles that truly made for phenomenal vital material for this project. 

And of course yours truly. You can always find more of by following these links to Facebook and Instagram.

Overall there was a great team behind this entire project, we all had a great time working together and I truly hope that that resonates with the executed product. 

Heres the first of our "Evil TinMan" project.

Ref. Stock Credit:
Roses/Petals:  *Rose Petals: FrozenStocks
Tree:*Tree Stock Image: E Dina Stock --
Steampunk Clock: *Steampunk Clock: Sammy Kaye 1s Stamps

All other material found thru unknown sources and artists online.